- Authors: Albogachieva M.S., Mukov M.I.
- Issue: Vol 19, No 3 (2023)
- Pages: 856-875
- URL:
- DOI:
The article will discuss the Games of the Abaz People, which originated in 2014 in the Abazinsky district of Karachay-Cherkessia. Games in the history of mankind have always occupied an important place in the culture of peoples. The Abazin people, who have long playing traditions in the national culture, are no exception. Our scientific interest is associated with the existence of games in the culture of the people and their transformation, which led to such symbiosis as the "Games of the Abaza people." These games reflect both folk games and modern sports competitions, which not only serve to educate a physically healthy generation, but also a way to consolidate society. Many compatriots, in the middle of the XIX century. Who left their historical homeland, come to the Games and become their participants? Thus, the divided people find ways of unity and further joint development. The lack of scientific publications, from which you can learn the features of modern gaming practices, prompted the author to fill the created scientific vacuum with his research. We realize that in one article it is not possible to make a holistic analysis of games for all the years of their existence, so we focused our scientific interest on the history of games: when and by whom the project "Games of the Abaz People" was conceived, by whom it is implemented, what is the age and social status of the participants in the games, what is the role of the game in the physical education of the younger generation and the consolidation of society. The study allows us to conclude: this project can claim versatility and be recommended for implementation in other regions of the country.
Makka S.-G. Albogachieva
Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after Peter the Great (Kunstkamer) RAS.
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 4183-8058
Scopus Author ID: 57207186306
Russian Federation
Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Head of department of ethnography of the Caucasus
Murat I. Mukov
International Association for the Promotion and Development of the Abazino-Abkhaz ethnic group "Alashara"
Russian Federation
Graduate student of KBSU
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